Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity
The site for members of the Beta Delta Chapter of ZBT at Rutgers and its affiliates.
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The ZBT BD Alumni Association has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy.

The ZBT BD Alumni Association does not sell or rent your personal identification to third parties. As of now, your personal identification is ONLY viewable by you and by paid members of the Alumni Association. The usage of this information is for ZBT Beta Delta communications like the Beta Deltan and mailings on behalf of the Trustee Board or the Chapter. Please notify us immediately if you have knowledge that any of our affiliates ever contact you for any reason other than to fulfill their commitment to you under the terms of the offer you were provided.

It is the policy of the ZBT BD Alumni Association to send our members only the types of email they elect to receive in addition to the ZBT BD Alumni Association communications (address confirmation, renewal notifications, etc.) Further, it is our policy to immediately remove any member from any mailing list upon the member's request. Members are also able to update their email preferences online via the "My Profile" link on the main navigation and then choosing "Mailing List Preferences". In addition, every email communication from the ZBT BD Alumni Association will contain clear and obvious instructions for how the member can remove himself or herself from that mailing list.

We do use email as a means of receiving feedback from our members, and we encourage you to email Steven Springer with your questions or comments. You can also use our contact form.

Membership Registration
Our site's registration form requires you to provide us contact information (name, phone, and email address). We may use your contact information from the registration form to send you information about upcoming events. Your contact information is also used to contact you when necessary. Until we put the ability to change your email preferences on the fly, you can always request to not recieve future mailings.

We may use information gathered during your visit to help customize our communications with you in later phases of this website.

The ZBT BD Alumni Association may periodically conduct individual voluntary member surveys. We encourage our members to participate in these surveys because they provide us with important information that helps us to improve the types of services we offer, and how we provide them to you. The responses we collect in online surveys are anonymous. In the end, we hope to tailer our communications with you to fit your needs so that you receive more of what you want from us and less of what you don't want.

Updating Your Personal Information
The ZBT BD Alumni Association provides you with ways in which you can alter your personal data. To make these changes, please log into the rutgerszbt.com/alumni web site and click the "My Profile" button. Once you have made the desired changes, click the Update Record button to lock in your changes. Clicking the Cancel Update button will nullify any changes you have made and return you to your information page. Follow the directions on the update page to make changes to your personal information.

The Security of Your Information
We work dilligently to protect the security of your personal information. Your data is kept in a highly secure environment protected from access by unauthorized parties. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer by ensuring you close your browser when finished visiting the ZBT BD Alumni Association using a shared computer.

Membership Removal
If you wish to have your registration removed from our directory for any reason, simply contact Steven Springer with the word remove in the subject line. Please provide your First and Last Name as well as your email address. You will be contacted, via email and/or phone to verify your request for removal. Removal from this list means that you will not receive any future mailings or communiques from or about the ZBT Beta Delta chapter or the ZBT BD Alumni Association.

Advertising and Third Party Links
We hope to add a Beta Delta classified section to the site with both advertisements from businesses as well as postings from people looking for work. This will require membership.

Updates to our information practices
From time to time, we make changes to our information practices or alter the functionality of our Web site. We always update this statement accordingly, so we encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on privacy practices at the ZBT BD Alumni Association website.

If you have any questions about our privacy policies or any other matter, please contact Steven Springer.

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ZBT Pin Site developed by Twin Towers Design Company

This site is made possible by a generous donation in memory of Robert "Hawk" Ravin ('70).